
HEART - Myocardial infarcts (recent and old)

The specimen is a heart sectioned at the level of the aortic valve. The left ventricle has been opened. There is an extensive area of recent infarction situated in the lateral wall of the left ventricle extending down to the cardiac apex. A further area of infarction is seen to involve the whole of the anterior wall of the left ventricle, this appears to predate the infarction in the lateral wall of the left ventricle, as here extensive scarring is seen - this has resulted in aneurysmal dilatation of the wall. There is a focus of organizing fibrinous pericarditis over the anterior wall extending down to the apex. Foci of calcification are seen in the leaflets of the aortic valve.
This 56 year old male had a long history of diabetes mellitus and angina pectoris. He died suddenly while at home.